Monday, June 22, 2009

Pixar's Short Film: Partly Cloudy

Pixar의 새로운 Short Film인 Partly Clody
사실 나온지는 오래 되었는데 보통 그 해 개봉하는 신작 상영 전에 틀어주는게 보통이라 안보고 있었는데 그냥 보고 싶어서 구글링 했더니 저화질로는 있더라. 자세한 내용은 생략하고...

Pixar의 short film 제작 이유는
- 새로운 기술의 테스트
- 신인 감독의 발굴(또는 장편 감독을 맡기기전의 기회)
- 파이프라인의 테스트
라고 알려져있다.

처음 short film이 나왔을때는 새로운 기술의 테스트가 먼저였다고 하던데 요즘은 신인 감독 발굴이 우선인것 같은데 이번 short film의 감독은 한국계 animator인 피터 손 Peter Sohn라 한다. 재밌는건 올해 개봉하는 UP의 주인공인 러셀 Rusell의 모델이라는 것이다.

완전 똑같네;;;

다음은 Partly Cloudy의 Still cut and Concept art

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The advantages / disavantages of Point based approach

The advantages is:

- No noise.
- Faster computation times. (No ray tracing.)
- The geometric primitives do not need to be visible for ray tracing; this can significantly reduce the memory consumed during rendering.
- Color bleeding is nearly as fast as occlusion. (No evaluation of shaders at ray hit points.)
- Computing (HDRI) environment map illumination is just as fast as only computing occlusion.
- Displacement mapped surfaces take no more time than non-displaced surfaces.
- It runs on standard CPUs -- no special hardware required.

The disadvantages are:

- The area (and optionally color) point cloud has to be generated in a pre-pass, making this a two-pass approach.
- During rendering, the entire point cloud has to be read in and kept in memory until the frame is completed.
- The fundamental algorithm tends to compute too much occlusion and color bleeding. This is because occlusion (and colors) are simply added up, even though some geometry really should block other geometry. (The "clamp" parameter eliminates most of the over-occlusion and over-bleeding. Nevertheless, experimenting with various parameter settings might be necessary to get the desired look.)